Milwaukee Navy League is a recognized non-profit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible as otherwise provided by law.
21 JUL: Commander Matthew Sass, the Commander of the Great Lakes Navy Talent Acquisition Group, invited Civil Air Patrol cadets to visit Navy aircraft at the Air Force 128th Air Refueling Wing. The cadets were from the Milwaukee 5 Composite Squadron that had worked with Commander Sass during the Seaperch Tournament. Navy League Milwaukee STEM Chairperson Erik Wolbach is also a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol.
Cadets and adult members got to meet and talk with Navy pilots and crew from an SH-60 Seahawk and CH-53 Sea Stallion Helicopters. Cadets were allowed to climb inside the aircraft, try on crew members gear, and sit in the pilot's seat. The squadron's cadets also got to witness the Blue Angels take off, fly around, and land up close. The best flight was when the Marine C-130 nicknamed "Fat Albert" conducted a short takeoff that flew up at a 45 degree angle.
Many thanks for the excellent teamwork and support of the Navy Talent Acquisition Group Great Lakes (Navy recruiting) and local industry partners Leonardo
DRS Naval Power Systems. Our Navy teammates donated a dozen free kits for new teams, enabling growth in this year's event, and yesterday supported
the in-water obstacle course and mission course events (pool event coordinators, poolside timers, judges and swimmers). The six judges from Leonardo
DRS Naval Power Systems conducted the evaluation of the team "science fair" SeaPerch ROV project presentations, and their engagement with these young
people provided mentoring and guidance for their improvement next year as well as inspiration for future careers. Working as presentation judges with the
Leonardo DRS team were three of us Milwaukee Navy League members — thank you to Pat Koppa and Jim Young for joining me yesterday.
And... Due to the excellent work of our Public Affairs team
(Click For Media Alert - Thank You Phil Vollrath!), we had
three local Milwaukee TV stations come by to interview the kids, video the competition and interview Erik Wolbach about our event.
Your Milwaukee Navy League and the work of all these young people were in the spotlight, receiving very positive coverage. A good amount
of "air time". See links below to view the news summaries and the video content that the three TV stations broadcast:
December 8, 2022 - The Milwaukee Council was officially presented the Navv League's 2021 Donald M. Mackie Award Bronze Website Award at our
annual meeting.
Council President & Master of Ceremonies, Michael Good presenting to Bill Lemorande, Website Chair.
Master of ceremonies Auxiliary CAPT Tom Buck and Commanding Officer Sector Lake Michigan CAPT Seth Parker welcomed all.
Presentation recipients of Coast Guardsman of the Year, Marine of the Year and Sailor of the Year were as follows:
On June 4, 2022, four engineering students from Union Grove High School traveled to the University of Maryland to compete in the Sea Perch International Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Tournament.
The Milwaukee Navy League supports the Sea Perch underwater vehicle competition. It was held at the Deer Creek Intermediate School pool in St. Francis, WI. It all took place on April 6, 2019.
The participants have to drive their vehicles through underwater hoops and a host of obstacles. Winners of the event are pictured below. Click A Photo For Full-Size Version The challenges in Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) initiative was a "happening" event, with 20+ teams representing multiple area middle & high schools. See the video below for more excitement and information on how the event works.
USS Dwight D.Eisenhower (CVN 69) while operating in the US 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility as part of Operation Enduring Freedom Click Here For Details
A Message From National President Philip Dunmire:
Fellow Navy Leaguers,
As you may recall, three weeks ago President Obama and Secretary of Defense Panetta publicly announced the new Defense Strategic Guidance that was developed as the way ahead for our armed forces in light of the end of the war in Iraq, the drawdown of forces in Afghanistan, and the requirement that the services find $487 billion in savings over the next decade.
Today, Secretary Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff held a briefing to detail DoD's budget request for Fiscal Year 2013 and the Future Years Defense Plan. While all the services are making sacrifices, the budget recognizes the unique capabilities of the Navy/Marine Corps team and that the forward presence mission remains the same regardless of world events. In Secretary's Panetta's own words, "The strategy also envisions a Navy and Marine Corps that is postured forward -- bringing a stabilizing presence and combat power as needed, with an emphasis on these critical regions."
Some of the highlights of the budget include:
Maintaining the aircraft carrier fleet at 11 ships and 10 air wings
Gradually reducing the active Marine Corps to 182,000 Marines
Forward deploying ships to Singapore and Bahrain
Incorporate design changes to increase cruise missile capacity of Virginia-class submarines
Delaying the Ohio replacement program by two years
Joint Strike Fighter -- committed to the JSF program of record that includes all three variants, but slowed procurement to complete more testing and make developmental changes to minimize concurrency issues before buying in significant quantities
There are many more details in this document and the services are scheduled to provide more detailed briefs in early February. I hope you will take the time to review Secretary Panetta and General Dempsey's statements and rest assured that the Navy League will continue to advocate for our Sea Services and resist any drawdown that prevents them from meeting the mission.
Best regards.
Yours truly,
2023 Silver Award
2022 Bronze Award